

· Price from €55
· Slight pricking pain experience
· Freezing of skin imperfections
· Treatment for 10 seconds per spot

Cryo means to freeze. Using cryotherapy we can freeze and destroy unwanted parts of the skin in a controlled manner. At Medical Skin Healing we use the Cryopen for this.

We use this to freeze genital, juvenile, old age or foot warts. But good results are also achieved with the removal of angiomas, fibroids, age and pigment spots.

Cryotherapy is a sterile procedure. Because there is no incision, there is no risk of infection.


The cryopen

A small jet of liquid gas comes out of the front of the pen. This pen freezes the tissue damage, causing this part of the skin to die and be replaced by new, healthy skin. The cryopen can be used with millimeter precision. This means that no damage to healthy skin occurs.

Treatment of warts

There are different types of warts that we remove.

  • Warts (Verrucae vulgaris)
  • Age warts (Keratosis seborrheic)
  • Plantar warts (Verrucae plantares)
  • Genital Warts

The liquid gas freezes the cells in the wart. These cells contain the “wart virus”, so the virus is killed along with the cells. After about 3 days the area of ​​the wart will discolour and after about 10 to 14 days the wart will come off. Complete recovery, without scars, takes about 3 to 6 weeks.

Genital Warts

These are warts around or on the penis, vagina or anus. The Cryopen is the most gentle treatment to remove genital warts. The treatment is virtually painless.


Super fast and accurate: no damage to surrounding skin tissue
The short treatment time of 20 to 45 seconds ensures that this treatment is also well tolerated by children
With cryopen, 1 or 2 treatments are often sufficient for immediate results, while with conventional methods you always have to repeat the treatment several times.
By using extreme cold, the treatment has an analgesic effect.

Before the treatment, your skin should not be exposed to direct sun or tanning bed for two weeks.



  • No aftercare is necessary afterwards, but protection is important.
  • You should not expose the skin to direct sunlight for four weeks after the treatment.
    You should not scratch the treated areas and scabs must fall off on their own, this will happen within 10 to 14 days after the treatment.
  • A restorative cream with SPF 50 is important; you should apply it for at least four weeks.
  • Image result for cryopen
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